Combe Martin Landmarks

Combe Martin Landmarks
…North Devon Coast Areas of National Beauty (AONB). Great Hangman is 1,043 feet (318 m) high with a cliff face of 800 feet (244 m). Little Hangman is 716 feet (218 m) high a…

Website Summary

Website Summary
, Combe Martin is characterised by dramatic coastlines, cliffs, and a diverse range of wildlife. The Great Hangman, the highest sea cliff in England, is a prominent feature of the landsc…


…cultural significance extends beyond religious practices, and enhances the community in several ways. Far out over the sea from Combe Martin Bay and the craggy Hangman Hills, the  coast…

Combe Martin in 1831-1845

Combe Martin in 1831-1845
…is in union with the National Society. There are three rings of stone on the summit of one of the hills in the parish, called Hangman-Hill, the height of which is 1189 feet. Dr. Thomas…

Lime-burning and Quarrying

Lime-burning and Quarrying
…fell into the Lee limekilns at Combe Martin. Richard Comer, aged 8 and the son of a kiln owner, was also killed there.  Quarry on Little Hangman, West Challacombe Farm The quarry on Lit…

Combe Martin Industrial History

Combe Martin Industrial History
…there was mining for iron, umber, lead-ore and silver; and copper. Active mines included the Bowhay Lane Mine Tenement. Mining was also carried out on the Hangman Hills, and at Blacksto…

West Challacombe Manor

West Challacombe Manor
…Historic England Research Report Series no. 6-2016: Little Hangman and Challacombe Common, Exmoor National Park: Two possible earlier Neolithic enclosures on western Exmoor.  The lavish…

Early Silver Mining in Combe Martin

Early Silver Mining in Combe Martin
…the battle of Agincourt too, were won in the shafts of Combmartin" (1895, p. 52).  Combe Martin's Mining Monuments Mine workings exist from Combe Martin beach to the landmark Hangman Hi…

Combe Martin Ores and Smelting

Combe Martin Ores and Smelting
…Workings Evidence of mineral workings can be found around Combe Martin, and ironstone was worked on the cliffs near Little Hangman, Blackstone Point and Girt Down. The remains comprisin…

Introduction to Combe Martin

Introduction to Combe Martin
…typically grey or greenish in colour. Hangman Grits: These are coarser-grained sandstone and grit deposits, which were formed in a shallow marine environment, during the Devonian period…