Combe Martin Hemp | Medieval Times
Combe Martin Hemp | Medieval Times
Go Back Combe Martin Hemp Archaeology A History of Hemp, Retting and Fulling Last updated on August 14, 2024 | Created in March 29, 2023 | Companion Article: Combe Martin Mil…
Combe Martin Hemp | Medieval Times
Go Back Combe Martin Hemp Archaeology A History of Hemp, Retting and Fulling Last updated on August 14, 2024 | Created in March 29, 2023 | Companion Article: Combe Martin Mil…
Combe Martin Industrial History
Go Back Share Share Share Share Combe Martin's Industrial History Popular: Lime Burning and Quarrying | Combe Martin's Hemp Industry | Combe Martin Silver Mining By Combe Martin History…
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…Exmoor National ParkCombe Martin Ores and SmeltingLime-burning and QuarryingCombe Martin Culm - Plant or Coal?Combe Martin Hemp | Medieval TimesCombe Martin Mills and MillingEarly Histor…
Exploring Combe Martin
…Martin has been known for: Saxon Settlement to an Anglo-Norman Manor: Communal wool production and the finest hemp industry. Silver Mining: Seven centuries of silver and lead mining from…
Combe Martin Mills and Milling
Go Back Historic Mill Power for Combe Martin By Combe Martin History and Heritage Project 2023-2024 Last updated on December 29, 2024 | Created in July 2023 | Companion Article: Combe Martin Hemp
Introduction to Combe Martin
-sustaining Combe Martin's celebrated hemp industry spanned the Middle Ages to the nineteenth-century. The local wool trade and hemp industry were particularly significant du…
The Blackmore Country
, it was a great place for hemp, and a project was formed for establishing a port at Hartland entirely on account of this trade. As it was, the shoemakers’ thread manufactured in the neig…
-century topographical and historical survey of Devonshire, authored by Daniel Lysons and Samuel Lysons. This seminal work noted Combe Martin's past industries, including shoemakers' thread and hemp
Silver Mining to Strawberries
…(N.A.A.S).  Combe Martin Industrial History | The Story of Combe Martin Hemp | Silver Mining in Combe Martin |  Modified on January 30, 2025 In September 1962, P. Allington, B.Sc. (Ho…
Combe Martin Community Centre
…received care under one roof. They earned their keep by making thread from locally grown hemp (CMLHG, 1997). Functioning as community hubs, charities and markets: medieval church houses…
Lime-burning and Quarrying
…into allotments until it was purchased by the Parish Council in 1947. Hemp (for Cobblers thread) and strawberries were grown on this land. Lime Burning in Combe Martin Lime-burning began…
Combe Martin Landmarks
. Here were silver-mines long ago, and here lived Martin of Tours, to whom William the Conqueror granted the manor which to this day bears his name. The neighbouring hills grow the best hemp in Devon
Early Silver Mining in Combe Martin
, hemp production, and extractive industries including lime and iron, also agribusiness, were the lifeblood of the village. After the Old Combmartin silver mines finally closed around 188…
Smuggling in North Devon
…from various regions, including timber, hemp, and tallow from the Baltic and America. Wines and fruits came from the Mediterranean and cattle came from Ireland. Coal, culm, iron, and fl…