Introduction to Combe Martin

Introduction to Combe Martin
…Devonshire granted by William the Conqueror to Norman Baron Martyn [Martin] de Tours [de Turribus, knight]", after the Norman Conquest in 1066 (Th…

Early Silver Mining in Combe Martin

Early Silver Mining in Combe Martin
…"some old lead-mines [? r. Elizabeth I ?]" at Old Combmartin, and that "the addition of Martin [to the old British toponym Kum or Combe] to the village name, is from Martin


…the Home Page or explore new articles. You can search the website for a broad range of specific terms such as Articles, #Silver, Iron, or Earl of Rone. Try searching for Martin de…


…chapel of Combe [capella de Cumba]. The dispute involved the monks of St Pancras, probably at the prestigious Cluniac Lewes Priory, and Robert fitz Martin, son of Combe