Combe Martin Hemp | Medieval Times

Combe Martin Hemp | Medieval Times
…fibre could withstand the forces of the open ocean or the ravages of salt water as well as hemp.  Medieval Hemp Archaeology in Combe Martin  In Combe Martin during 2008, volunteer archae…

Early Histories

Early Histories
…the Middle English word for cross, and in medieval times a rood symbolised the True Cross of Christ’s crucifixion. Originally the focus of veneration, the iconic corpus of Christ crucifi…

Combe Martin Community Centre

Combe Martin Community Centre
Go Back Last modified on December 12, 2024 Combe Martin Community Centre Originally a Medieval Church House and Poorhouse (Pre-1640) Combe Martin Community Pages | Combe Martin Village Ha…

Combe Martin Church Rood

Combe Martin Church Rood
…exception; the medieval Church was a pervasive force in people's lives, under the power and influence of the Catholic Church which was the only Church in western Europe at the time.  Unb…

Silver Mining in Devon and Cornwall

Silver Mining in Devon and Cornwall
…Devon and Cornwall Silver in this region was typically extracted as a by-product of lead mining from galena, a lead ore that often contains silver. And throughout the late medieval perio…

Combe Martin Listed Buildings and Scheduled Monuments

Combe Martin Listed Buildings and Scheduled Monuments
. 3. West Challacombe Manor A significant Medieval manor estate, originally the family seat of Prouse. Featuring a grand false-hammer-beam roof. The Cruck barn (‘A’ frame) dates to the fi…


…surviving 15th-century rood screen, and various historical artifacts reflecting its medieval to modern heritage. Introduction Our St Peter in Chains church is one of a trio comprising 'C…

Site Map

Site Map
…Exmoor National ParkCombe Martin Ores and SmeltingLime-burning and QuarryingCombe Martin Culm - Plant or Coal?Combe Martin Hemp | Medieval TimesCombe Martin Mills and MillingEarly Histor…

Introduction to Combe Martin

Introduction to Combe Martin
, social and industrial history; its place in medieval England and at the Conquest of 1066. Combe Martin's Origins and History Read about the Iron Age and Saxon origins of Combe Martin; t…

Exploring Combe Martin

Exploring Combe Martin
Martin has been known for: Saxon Settlement to an Anglo-Norman Manor: Communal wool production and the finest hemp industry. Silver Mining: Seven centuries of silver and lead mining from the medieval

Combe Martin Mills and Milling

Combe Martin Mills and Milling
, and trace the existence of mills back to medieval times and their essential function in daily life. We know from the Combe Martin Local History Group, the people who wrote our local his…

Battle of Cynwit Glossary

Battle of Cynwit Glossary
…Saxons against Danish Viking incursions. Angelcynn: By King Alfred's time (c. 871-899), the term "Angelcynn" was used to refer to the people of early medieval England collectively, as th…

Corelli's Reuben Dale 1896

Corelli's Reuben Dale 1896
…wonder if it came out o' some sacred place o' Norman worship, it looks like it. An' here's th' old key” [to the probably medieval vestry door]. Historic England estimates the vestry plan…


…Martin's Earl of Rone Festival 1998˃ Combe Martin's Medieval Church House (Community Centre)˃ Combe Martin History Forum on Facebook˃ Combe Martin Parish Council˃ Visit Combe Martin˃

West Challacombe Manor

West Challacombe Manor
…Martin (1690) | Combe Martin Medieval Church House Published on March 25, 2024 Last modified on March 14, 2025 Recommended: Deep Dive into the History of Combe Martin>  Introduction West…

Combe Martin Industrial History

Combe Martin Industrial History
…article explores the rich industrial heritage of Combe Martin, North Devon, from medieval times to the 20th century. The village's diverse economy encompassed mining, agriculture, manufa…

Early Silver Mining in Combe Martin

Early Silver Mining in Combe Martin
…actions in managing silver resources during the medieval period (Rippon, S., Claughton, P., & Smart, C., 2009: Medieval silver mining at Bere Ferrers, Devon). Combe Martin's…

Battle of Cynwit Article Abstract

Battle of Cynwit Article Abstract
…established strongholds and territories, most notably in the Danelaw, which included parts of Northumbria, East Anglia and Mercia, in Early Medieval England. At grid reference SS 7386 49…

Combe Martin Village Hall

Combe Martin Village Hall
…and Hire:  Social Media: Combe Martin Village Hall | Facebook What's On/Calendar (  Facilities/Gallery Combe Martin Medieval Church Hall


…role; this medieval landmark, featuring its original 15th century oak chancel screen, stands as a custodian of local history and heritage. We also have a record of a comical court case i…

Battle of Arx Cynwit (Countisbury) 878 CE

Battle of Arx Cynwit (Countisbury) 878 CE
…Northumbria, East Anglia and Mercia, in Early Medieval England. At grid reference SS 7386 4953 to SS 7410 4922, Wind Hill Iron Age univallate promontory fort (c. 800 BC to AD 43) lies a…

Combe Martin FAQ

Combe Martin FAQ
…near County Gate. Medieval Period The village core name is derived from cym and combe, a low and deep valley surrounded by very high hills. The Martin suffix derives from Lord Martin de…

Silver Bullion and War

Silver Bullion and War
-680 when gold coins were phased out. By the reigns of the first two Norman kings, there were over 70 active mints in medieval Britain.  A bullion coin is struck from refined precious met…

Combe Martin Landmarks

Combe Martin Landmarks
…a mine tunnel in Combe Martin. Combe Martin Manorial Estates The term Manor refers to an estate rather than just its farmhouse or Great Hall. In medieval times, manor houses served as co…

Combe Martin Ores and Smelting

Combe Martin Ores and Smelting
…early post-medieval lead smelting connected to the Old Combmartin polymetallic mining industry. There is documentary evidence of lead-smelting and silver mining around Combe Martin (Clau…

Combe Martin Culm - Plant or Coal?

Combe Martin Culm - Plant or Coal
…could in theory have been twins. Centuries-old trade in fish, timber, ores, metals and minerals, expanded after the Industrial Revolution 1760-1840. Medieval Trade and Industry Between 1…

The English Civil War

The English Civil War
…1642. And a month later, the King refused to surrender control of the militia to Parliament.  During June 1642 he revived medieval commissions of array in response to the militia ordinan…

Lime-burning and Quarrying

Lime-burning and Quarrying
…Martin - 1237379 | Historic England MDE8267 - Post-medieval lime kiln and possible counting house above Wild Pear Beach - The Historic Environment Record for Exmoor National Park (exmoor…